Tanyalena exist one year!


Hello beauties!
We can’t believe that it has been a year ago that we started this blog! In this past year we had lots of fun making our articles, reading your sweet comments & requests. On this special day we want to thank our readers. So thank you guys for all the love & support!



Trends of this spring


Hi beauties!

Like we all know is that spring is finally coming soon and we can not wait till it is happening. The sun will shine bright and the flowers will live again. And it also means that we can FINALLY wear our clothes without all the scarves, beanies and gloves. These things we can put in our closets again and shop the newest trends!
With this article I want to show you the trends of spring 2015. The most popular fashion magazines like Vogue, Bazaar and Glamour are talking about it a lot and I got some inspiration of them.

Outfit of Today: Black and White

Fashion, Outfit of the day

Hey beauties,

Today we want to show you our outfits. It is funny that we have both chosen for these colors. We love to wear these because it is very simple and that makes it easier to combine your clothes with other different colors. Like I (Magdalena) did that with my bag and Tanya with her bag and shoes.

New Fashion Trend: Checks and Tartan


Hey beauties!

I’ve checked out our last trends this season and I’ve found something very interesting.
It’s called ‘Checks and Tartan’. Tartan is inspired by Chanel, Vivienne Westwoord and Alexander Mcqueen. It’s a look no longer confined to a Scotsman’s kilt or a schoolgirl’s skirt. In the web shops or the shops in your city there are plenty of these sort of clothes.